Choose the right plan for your studio
Expand the free tier with advanced features
- No software installation
All features are directly available from most Chrome based browsers (eg. Chrome, Edge, Opera, Brave) on PC, Android and MacOS devices
- Unlimited synthesizers
Add as many supported synthesizers to your synthesizer list.
- Drag and drop file backup
SysEx and Midi files can be imported by drag and drop. Download at anytime
- Autodetect synths in files
Synthesizers are detected from SysEx and Midi files
- Midi monitor
- Virtual Midi keyboard
- Cloud for .mid and .syx files
- SysEx transfer
- File and bank message detail
Single messages/patches detected in a file or imported bank are displayed (For supported synthesizers).
- Simplified backup
For eligible synthesizers, allows to backup all or a selection of synthesizer banks from your browser.
- Display patch names
For eligible synthesizers and message formats, display patch names.
- Display patch and bank number
For eligible synthesizers and message formats, display bank name and patch number.
- Copy SysEx to clipboard
Detected messages in files or banks can be individually copied to clipboard
- Single message transfer
Detected messages in files or banks can be individually sent to a synthesizer
launching offer
plus taxes, instead of $9
- All features of the free plan
- File and bank message detail
Single messages/patches detected in a file or imported bank are displayed (For supported message formats).
- Simplified backup
For synthesizers with simplified backup, allows to backup all or a selection of synthesizer banks from your browser.
- Display patch names
For supported message formats, display patch names.
- Display patch and bank number
For supported message formats, display bank name and patch number.
- Copy SysEx to clipboard
Detected messages in files or banks can be individually copied to clipboard
- Single message transfer
Detected messages in files or banks can be individually sent to a synthesizer